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Short Course on Community Seed Bank Management
April 15, 2018 - April 18, 2018
Seeds are the source of life and the means of survival as they can play an important role in the food security. Both the seeds and farmers, however, are always vulnerable to natural disasters such as drought, floods, earthquakes etc. In a community seed bank, seeds or germplasm of crops are collected, stored, regenerated or multiplied, and distributed to fulfill the seed demands of farmers when need. So, the community seed bank (CSB) can play an important role during the time of emergency and or natural disasters.
In 2015, Nepal was hit by a mega earthquake that caused huge loss and destruction of local varieties of crops resulting food insecurity in the earthquake affected areas. During when thousands of households were revived again with the seeds support provided. So, we already have witnessed how crop seeds can save the life of people during the time of disasters.
Of over 100 community seed banks across Nepal, there are 21 under LI-BIRD’s network with annual seed transaction of over 150 tons, accessed by more than 10,000 farmers. Establishment of CSBs and promotion of community-based seed production (CBSP) are some of the ways adopted for strengthening local seed system and ensuring their right to seed.
Course Objectives
The overall aim of this short course is to build participants knowledge and experience on community seed bank management. After the course, participants will be able to describe the concept of CSB and its contribution to local seed system in order to apply their learning for establishing a CSB in their own context. The key course objectives include:
• Understanding CSB and its intended benefits
• Engaging stakeholders in establishing and managing CSB
• Planning key actions/activities for its sustainability and good governance, and
• Strengthening local seed supply system.
Course Components
The course will be facilitated by LI-BIRD’s experts who hold over two decades’ research and field experience. The course will be participatory and hands-on which will offer stimulating learning experience. The course also includes a field visit to the sites where CSB and its good practices are promoted.
Target Participants
The course is designed for the development practitioners, agriculture officers, extension workers including key frontline staffs that directly works with the farmer community for promoting sustainable agriculture and their seed system in the face of change.
Practical Information
Course Duration: 4 days (15-18 April 2018)
Application Deadline: 7 April 2018
Venue: Bharatpur (Field visit to Nawalparasi)
Course Fee: NRs 18,000 (Non-residential, accommodation, however, will be arranged upon request)
For Registration
Please fill this online form to participate in this course: https://goo.gl/forms/j4W2E38m3H7XSVxk1
Book your seat by the payment of course fee at the following bank account:
Name of Account: GrowInnova Pvt. Ltd.
Bank Account Number: 01200105200890
Name of Bank: Everest Bank Ltd.
Branch Office: Pulchowk, Lalitpur
Swift Code: EVBLPKA
Fee includes administration, lunch, high-tea, field excursion, training materials, stationeries etc. The participants will be awarded a certificate of participation.
For further information, please write to [email protected] or at 98512 30438.