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This is the week we write
August 27, 2019 @ 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
There is something for everyone on our Week of Writing menu.
Sign up for one or more workshops or drop in to our free evening Flashcard Sessions.
What’s on the menu: (training overview)
1. Get Flow in Your Writing (Featured course for the week)
We all want our writing to ‘flow’ but what exactly does that mean and what must I do to make it happen? The good news—it’s a lot easier than you might think. All it takes is understanding a few simple principles and your meaning will come shining through.
In this one-day workshop, you will learn:
• Definitions, features & benefits of the flow writing style
• The difference between hyper-fluent and flow writing
• Finding and cutting clutter
• Improving flow by reducing cognitive load on readers
• Engaging readers
2. Writing Up Research for Publication
Is your research getting the recognition it deserves? Are you getting published in the best journals in your discipline? Would you like to be a more productive, efficient and effective writer and learn how to greatly increase your chances of getting published in the journals of your choice?
In this one-day workshop, you will learn:
• The classic 3-move pattern for introductions
• Working with “the literature”
• Schemas
• Selecting the right journal and working with journal editors
• The peer-review process and its variations
• Working with reviewer feedback
3. The Six-Week Thesis & Dissertation Writing Plan
Are you ABD? All But Done?
All you need to do to graduate is write up your research. That’s easier said than done and many graduate students find themselves stuck for some or all of these reasons:
• feeling overwhelmed and stressed
• lack motivation
• not enough time
• lack of clear direction in terms of how to organize my ideas
• lots of advice about what to do but not how to do it
• lack of academic writing skills
• problems formatting the paper to the required style guidelines
The Six-week Writing Plan is designed to help you push past these obstacles and get that all-important first draft down on paper. A lot of the advice you read or hear tells you ‘what’ to do (write clearly and concisely) but not ‘how’. The Six-week Writing Plan focusses on the ‘how’ and provides practical tools and techniques to help you produce that critical first draft.
In this one-day workshop you will learn:
• How to take stock of where you are now
• How to focus your personal writing process
• The most commonly used structures for each section of your thesis or dissertation
• Getting your thesis/dissertation advisor on your side
4. Non-Technical Writing Topics
Blog posts, success stories, policy briefs, terms of reference, job descriptions, corporate and promotional material…
There seems to be now end to the non-technical writing you have to do as part of your job and it’s not easy. Not easy, that is, if you don’t know the secret of structures. In this one-day workshop, you will learn:
• Everything has a structure
• How structure helps you write better and faster
• Where to find structures
• How to ‘switch gears’ when writing non-technical material
5. Write Convincing Policy Briefs
Have you ever wondered if, how, and why policy briefs make a difference? There are many guides that will tell you how to write a policy brief, but there is more to an effective brief than facts and evidence. Writing the brief is just a small part of the work. In this half-day workshop, you will learn:
• To select the right kind of brief for your audience
• Design and planning your brief
• How to engage readers through your writing and writing style
• Getting the right feedback before you publish
• Using the right channel to distribute your brief
• Engagement and impact
Workshop Facilitator
Terry Erle Clayton is a cognitive psychologist, author and international communications consultant based in Thailand. Terry was an Associate Professor at the Asian Institute of Technology for nearly 10 years and has worked for over 80 international, regional and national organizations in the public and private sector in Central, South, Southeast Asia, Asia Pacific and Africa. In this region, his clients have included FAO, ICIMOD, ICRISAT, IWMI, LI-BIRD, UNDP, WorldFish and WHO.
In addition to over 50 academic publications, Terry publishes on LinkedIn and is the author of three non-fiction books on Amazon Kindle. You can see samples of Terry’s work on his website at and his online writing courses at
Don’t see anything you like?
Can’t get away from work for day? Not sure you want to spend the money? Drop in to one or more of our FREE evening Flashcard Sessions.
F1 Monday: Writing Flow. Get an overview of the featured course of the week. Learn some of the basic techniques of writing with flow and how mastering this style leads to greater clarity and flow in your writing.
F2 Tuesday: Writing Up Research for Publication. This one-day intensive workshop is for young researchers who want to boost their publications and publish in higher impact journals.
F3 Wednesday: The Six-Week Thesis/Dissertation Writing Plan. Get expert guidance on structuring your content and learn how you can write that all-important first draft in just six weeks without the agony and the pain most grad students suffer.
F4 Thursday: Non-technical writing. Learn how easy it can be to master blog posts, success stories, policy briefs, terms of reference, job descriptions, corporate and promotional materials.
F5 Friday: Is there a book in you? Every dream of writing a novel or your own non-fiction book? Here’s what you need to know to self-publish on Amazon and other Indie platforms.
Fees and Registration
- Total fee (All one-day workshops)= NPR. 33,000
- If someone signs up for less than three workshops= NPR. 25,500
- If someone signs up for only one workshop= NPR. 10,000
- Evening Flashcard Sessions are free
- No different pricing for Nepalis, international, etc.
- Fee includes training materials, lunch and high tea. It does not include travel and accommodation expenses
Duration: 5 Days
Date and Time: 23-27 September 2019 | Time: 11:00 AM-4:00 PM
Deadline for Application: 20 September 2019
Venue: Kathmandu, Nepal