Enhancing Entrepreneurship Skills in Agricultural Marketing and Business Plan Development
GrowInnova in association with LI-BIRD organized a Short Course on ‘Enhancing Entrepreneurship Skills in Agricultural Marketing and Business Plan Development’ at Sauraha, Chitwan from 29 July to 1 August 2017. The four-day training was provided to Marketing/ Sales Officers, Seed Production Officers, Senior Field Technicians, and other professionals of the… [Read More]
Short course on Home Garden: A proven approach to improving family nutrition and household resilience
Training date: 11-14 September, 2017 Venue: Lakeside, Pokhara Application deadline: 4 September, 2017 Course Fee: NPR 22,500 (residential) and 15,000 (non-residential) Background The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s Hunger Statistics of 2015 shows that nearly one in eight of the total world’s population are suffering from chronic undernourishment, and almost 98% of these people live in… [Read More]
Short course on Research Data Analysis and Technical Report Writing
Duration: 5 days (10-14 October 2017) Venue: Bharatpur, Chitwan Deadline for application: 2 October 2017 Course fee: NRs 30,000 Background Agriculture research has contributed significantly for generating information, securing food and advancing crop and animal husbandry. Research works can be grouped into three stages, namely Pre-Experimental Stage, Experimental Stage and Post-Experimental Stage. Knowledge… [Read More]
Short course on Participatory Crop Improvement for food security & climate resilience
Duration: 4 days (11-14 October, 2017) Deadline for application: 4 October, 2017 Venue: Pokhara, Nepal Course fee: USD 600 or NPR 60,000 Course Background In the context of emerging climate change challenges, conventional plant breeding has limitations to support farmer’s food security and livelihoods. Participatory Crop Improvement (PCI) approaches integrate most of the… [Read More]