35 events found.
Training Date: 23 October-10 November 2017 Venue: Pokhara, Nepal Loss of plant genetic resources from agriculture production system and impact of climate change has resulted in major concerns about global food and nutrition security. Community Biodiversity Management (CBM) emerged as successful participatory strategy to realize on-farm management of plant genetic resources and… [Read More]
Training Date: 23 October-10 November 2017 Venue: Pokhara, Chitwan, Nawalparasi and Kathmandu, Nepal Loss of plant genetic resources from agriculture production system and impact of climate change has resulted in major concerns about global food and nutrition security. Community Biodiversity Management (CBM) emerged as successful participatory strategy to realize on-farm management of plant… [Read More]
Introduction Have your organizations truly delivered the promises made to their stakeholders? Have your plans, programs and policies produced the intended results? These are the questions frequently asked by the stakeholders during meetings and workshops. With the advent of globalization, there is also a growing pressure to both the… [Read More]